Teeth Whitened by a Concord Dentist Project Good Health, Especially for Girls

  • Posted by Unknown
  • at Friday, September 20, 2013 -

While it is obvious that good teeth are considered attractive, it's only fairly recently that scientists have figured out just why. According to an article published in the Daily Mail, teeth are subconsciously regarded as a sort of indicator of another person's health, especially women. Basically, the cleaner and whiter the person's teeth are, the healthier he or she is believed to be, further proving the correlation of oral health with personal health. Of course, it's practically impossible to maintain a perfectly-white set of teeth without consulting a professional like Dr. Kent Davis, who is a reliable Concord dentist. Even the simple act of eating is enough to ruin teeth, with specific types of food like berries, soda, and soy sauce simply hastening the process. As a remedy, dentists use a bleaching formula, usually made from carbamide or hydrogen peroxide, to give teeth their natural, white glow.
