Protecting Your Teeth

  • Posted by Unknown
  • at Wednesday, April 16, 2014 -
Protecting your teeth is a lot like preparing for a spring or summer trip; most of the safety habits and tips to protect your skin and body prior to basking in the sun are comparable to those for your teeth. However, instead of guarding against sunburn, heat stroke, dehydration, and swimming injuries, you’re preventing tooth decay, dental fractures, and other teeth ailments.

Protective Layers

As a counterpart to sunscreens or rash guards, fluoride strengthens your teeth against acids that cause tooth decay. Dental appliances like mouth guards also offer protection from teeth grinding and possible traumatic collisions during sports and other intense activities.


Just as hygiene is important when you’re swimming in public pools or beaches, oral hygiene is vital to keep the teeth clean and healthy. Brushing and flossing should be a strictly kept routine to promptly remove factors that weaken dental structures or trigger the growth of bacteria.


Similar to good water intake and healthy food choices for being in tiptop shape, nutrition plays a role in the strength and appearance of your teeth. Foods rich in calcium like dairy products and low in acids and hard debris – unlike coffee, sodas, and popcorn – are generally preferred.

The Dentist

Your dentist is your ‘lifeguard’ in any oral health concern. Whether you want to maintain healthy teeth or revive them to their pearly glories, your dentist has the necessary knowledge and skills to protect your teeth and the overall health of your mouth.