cuisine and Mediterranean cuisine are popular in Concord, California
but you won't be able to enjoy either of them if you frequently
experience toothaches. A toothache is typically a sign of severe
tooth decay, which occurs when the tooth enamel has been eaten away
by acids from the food you have consumed. Mild tooth decay can easily
be resolved through fillings, but a severe case may require a root
canal treatment from a dependable Concord dentist.
a root canal procedure is ideal for those whose toothaches have
become extremely painful or those whose teeth have grown overly
sensitive to cold and heat, which often signifies an infection has
occurred. Antibiotics may be taken to ward off the infection, but
they are not guaranteed to work. In this case, a root canal treatment
may be the only way to keep the infection in check or worse things
may happen.
referred to as endodontic treatment, a root canal involves taking out
the tooth nerve and sealing off the teeth. As a result, the teeth are
restored, and there's no need for a tooth extraction procedure.
However, not everyone with severe tooth decay is a good candidate for
root canal, and a dentist will have to order an x-ray to determine
whether a root canal is a viable option or not.